“The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug” -MARK TWAIN
The IDPD is a global observance encouraged by the UN since 1992.The day has been exalted with varying degrees of success in different countries. The objective of the day is to popularize the rights and welfare of all persons with disfigurements or disabilities .It takes care of their development and strives hard to enhance the awareness of the scenes of such persons in all facets of social, cultural, economic and political life.
The theme of IDPD 2020 is….’BUILDING BACK BETTER: TOWARDS A DISABILITY-INCLUSIVE, ACCESSIBLE AND SUSTAINABLE POST COVID-19 WORLD’. The day desires that no one is left behind. The inclusion of impairment is a mandatory condition for upholding human rights, sustainable development, peace and security.
The disabled should find space in the mainstream and not alienated at any cost.
The commitment of making them realize their rights is not only a matter of justice but an investment to secure for them a brilliant future. Such persons(approximately One billion) are one of the most neglected, step-motherly treated and excluded groups globally and have been the worst hit in current Covid 19 pandemic in terms of morbidity and mortality.
It is deeply regretted that even under normal circumstances they have poor access to healthcare, education and employment. Their wholehearted participation in the community is always discouraged.
The world’s 15 % population lives with some form of disability, of which about 3% experience significant difficulties in functioning. While referring such people our language should be polite, decent and not derogatory. Our words should concentrate on their abilities rather than disabilities. Use the term ‘DISABILITY’ and delete the following words from your vocabulary while interacting with them viz ‘handicapped’ , ‘crippled’, ‘differently-abled’ ,’victim’,’ retarded’, ‘stricken” impaired’, ‘challenged’, ‘unfortunate’ or ‘people with special needs’.
It is not rare for someone with a disability to have talents, skills and abilities. They are an asset to the society and in no case they should be undermined or sympathized but encouraged to move ahead. They don’t need anyone’s mercy but they do need an atmosphere in which they can excel and lead a dignified life. They deserve respect and nothing short of love. They are not the human beings to be teased or tormented but are institutes from whom even the normal ones can learn lessons. They don’t need alms but our blessings.
Like HELEN KELLER many have been a bonanza of inspiration for one and all. They should be saluted with a smile.
No one can dare to deny the fact that the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is much less than the sense of alienation felt by the persons with disabilities.
Dr.Sunil Chopra
Photo credits : and World Economic Forum
Disability in a person causes great impact directly on the person having physical impairment, but direct and indirect impact on families. Great information shared by Dr.Sunil Chopra and it is unfortunate that in India people are so judgemental when they see a disable person. Our society creates impression such that person is conscious about his physical state. The root cause is lack of understanding the human values,and conservative approach of society. Our system believes in fake showy perfection. There is need of great education, road safety, traffic education along with perfect traffic infrastructure. Hopefully there will be real driver education and fair issuance of driver’s license that can minimize motor vehicle accidents in our country.
Thank you so much dear for your valuable
comments.You have included a relevant advice too.I am indebted to you for sparing time and reading blogs posted at ….
Good article
The blog is really informative as has thrown light on ……how disabled need our cooperation and not sympathy.They are better than normal beings as far as confidence is concerned.
Excellent views Dr Sunil Chopra ,
Keep it up
Thank you so much,Dr.Chawla.
Very nice article and given in detail with good suggestions
Really mind boggling article
Our society must recognize the abilities rather than disabilities of disabled & encourage to nurture their talents
Excellent article on disability. Dr. Sunil Chopra, you are a great writer and bringing up the awareness. Good job. Keep it up.
Thank you Dr.Tarlok,
Your overseas reaction means a lot.
Thank you Dr.Tarlok,
Your overseas reaction means a lot.
Very Good recommendations…keep it up
Thanks Dr. Sunil Chopra for the pains that you take in enhancing our knowledge. Most of us are not even remotely aware of such marked days. Despite the efforts of the Governments to ensure accessibility, by disabled persons, to all public offices, we see that only lip service is actually done. In India, it is mandatory for all government (and even private) establishments to provide facile access to the disabled, but the ground reality is totally different. Most establishments lack ramps, or low counters or even disabled-friendly washrooms. The misery that a disabled person goes through can only be imagined. There is a need to strictly enforce and implement the rules.
Very well observed,Sir.
A vast majority among the disability challenged strata even don’t know about their rights as provided by the Government of the land.
A data base of all persons with disabilites could be in place by the Governments for regular update thro’ social media about the facilities available to them.
Salute to the parents and friends of disability challenged persons who show patience in their upbringing.
Social security in terms of regular monetary help must be mandated for extremely disabled persons’ families who cannot afford the expenditure on their care.
Notwithstanding,the disability challenged people have stronger grit than the normal people-which should inspire us.
[email protected]
Rightly said sir people with disabilities have stronger powers than the normal. The only need is to realize that strength
Very nice aritcle
Excellent article
Dr sahib u r great Excellent views God bless you keep it up
When everyone says you can’t ,DETERMINATION says YES YOU CAN . article.
Excellent article. Ability of disabled should be recognised and given an opportunity. But sorry to say that infrastructure for disabled at public places is either totally missing or not up to mark
You are absolutely right Dr.Bawa.
Very well written article disabled needs cooperation not sympathy society should aware about their difficulties
Thid is indeed a delight to read such a blog. What made it more interesting to me would be the use of quotes by some great personalities. It literally proves how the differently abled people are so better than us. The writer has put up the facts really well. Good Luck for future endeavours
Thank you my daughter for your apt comments.
Respected sir
This article is kind of awareness programme which motivate the readers to sense the pain of disabled persons
You have well said ‘Divyangs’ need not any mercy but not respect
Well said sir…they need our respect
Really very informative all should be very helpful to these people so that there shouldn’t be any inferiority complex
Really very informative all should be very helpful to these people so that there shouldn’t be any inferiority complex
This is a very informative article. The disabled need our compassion and empathy.
Thank you Dr.Malhotra for your brief and apt
One quote I would like to leave for the disabled: “ Never bend your head hold it high, stare the world right in the eye”- Hellen Keller.
One quote for everyone who see the disabled as different: “ There is no greater disability in the society, than the inability to see the person as more”- Robert M Hensel.