Music is the anchor of soul .World Music Day (21st June)-An Appreciation by Dr Sunil Chopra
‘Where words fail , Music speaks’ -H.C.Andersen

Hardly exists a power in the cosmos which is more dynamic than MUSIC.It is nothing short of an impetus that exhilarates,titillates and motivates.It may also be defined as a divine power which rescues us from despondency and gloom.
Melodies,songs and hymns are an embodiment of a magical force which goes a long way in making our lives sublime and heavenly.Touching us emotionally they take us to the other world.Over the years no art has so intensely influenced and so intimately attached itself to humanity than music.
Fads are temporary,but the true music and the heart behind it remains immortal.
Music is an energy and a fuel invariably producing a mesmerising effect.Sentimental people call it an inspiration.Whereas speech comes from brain,it comes from heart.
Poets have quite profusely narrated music alike love in their compositions.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,the most popular American poet of 19th century rightly asserted,”Music is a universal language of mankind”.
The ‘WORLD MUSIC DAY’ is an annual celebration that takes place the world over on 21st June with full pomp and show.On this auspicious day people play music outside their abodes in their surroundings with full enthusiasm.The purpose is to honour both amateurs and professionals alike.They are encouraged to showcase their work.The theme of the Wold Music Day 2021 is “Music at the intersections”.
Music therapy is known to do wonders on patients. Of course it helps us during workouts and exercising.It is a wine which fills the cup of silence.
E.B.LYTTON has rightly said,”Music,once admitted to the soul,becomes a sort of spirit,and never dies”.
Here’s a quick tour of traditional Indian music( From Archives of portal ‘Newsd’).

Dr.Sunil Chopra,Ludhiana (India)
Music is in our souls,whether it is listening to a shabad or an old melodius song or pop. Music is soothing,it allays fears and anxieties, is a tranquilizer, and perks the mood. A well written article, Dr Chopra. Kudos.
Music uplifts the spirit. Such is the power of music, that in modern dairies, piped music is played , and it actually results in higher yield of milk. Infact, even plants are known to respond to music.
The positive effects of music can never be over emphasised.
Thanks Dr. Chopra, for yet another wonderful article.
Music is Divine and connects with mother nature
Music can rescue the people from stress, anxiety and depression.It can also help those who are in home isolation by entertaining and enthralling them.
Very well written-
Witout music life is dull
Music can go a long way in decreasing our anxiety and stress.
Music relaxes our body eases stress. . Yery beautifully sir touched points related to music.